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The big question is what do you want your web-site to do? Interactive websites usually rely on ASP (Active Server Pages which allow scripts on a web page to be run on the server before the files are transmitted to the client), PHP, or Perl (Practical Extraction and Reporting Language which is a scripting language used for receive and process data stored on web page forms).
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Have you ever had a person in your life who literally thrived on playing the blame game? You know the ones that are constantly belly aching that it’s your fault? Well it’s time to take back your personal power, re-claim your thoughts, re-program your mind and change your life!

empowerment,responsibility,blame,positive thinking,affirmations,mind programming,fault,rescuer,victim,consciousness,problems,beliefs,

Article Body:
Have you ever had a person in your life who literally thrived on playing the blame game? You know the ones that are constantly belly aching that it’s your fault? Then you actually believe them, so you play the game of fixing all of their problems! You become the rescuer? I did! I didn’t realize it at the time of course because that is a life lesson that I was working on mastering and boy did we play a good game together! We danced in victim consciousness together creating disaster after disaster for ten years! He created, I rescued! He created, I rescued! Then one day he got himself in another situation (and of course this was all my fault!) I was so sick and tired of continually putting forth all my energy into fixing his problems that I threw in the towel. I quit. That’s the day the light bulb came on! I realized that I was not allowing him to take responsibility for his own life. I was doing him the worst service possible. I was dis-empowering him! I was taking his power away by fixing all his problems not to mention dis-empowering myself! That’s the day I gladly, and I mean gladly, handed him his life back on a gold lined platter! Ahh to peace once again!

Blamers are people that refuse to take any kind of responsibility for their own lives. When things go wrong in their life they tend to blame other people. Whether something goes wrong at home, work or school they try to find someone else to blame. I have found they tend to blame those that love them the most. Why? Because these will be the first people to ‘fix’ their problems and become their rescuers. Blamers will rarely admit to their own problems. Typically the statements you will hear from them are “It wasn’t my fault.” “How was I suppose to know?” “It’s your fault.” etc. Their dialogue usually goes something like this. “If only you had done something differently, then I wouldn’t be in the predicament that I’m in. It’s your fault.”

By blaming other people for the problems in their life, they become powerless to change anything. Their thoughts hold them in victim consciousness. They believe and hold thoughts of:

• I cannot change my life.
• I am a victim of circumstance.
• I am a victim of my past.
• Life is hard.
• There is always more work to be done.
• Plus numerous other ones.

In order to move past this, they must begin to think differently. They must change themselves. We all know by now, that we can’t change anyone but ourself, right? We can’t change the blamer, we can only work on changing ourself and our reaction to the blamer. I learnt that I needed to stop being the rescuer! We know it’s not our fault, so no more fixing it! How far are you willing to sacrifice yourself for someone else’s problem? That’s a tough question, but how low will you go? Take a tough love stance and let them take responsibility for their own life. They created it. They need to learn whatever it is that they have created so let them experience it themselves! If this is a spouse or child, it’s even harder because nine times out of ten, the problem effects your marriage and your family. I’m certainly not saying this is going to be a walk in the park! It isn’t easy but you have to stand your ground the second they present their next problem to you. Ask them what ‘they’ are going to do about ‘their’ problem. A temper tantrum will likely ensue, leave the room if you have to and don’t send negative energy back into the cycle! Come back to it after they have completed their dramatic hissy fit. This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn the limits on your boundaries and also stretch your compassionate detachment muscles! All very empowering tasks and ones that will bring empowerment knocking on your door.

Knowing beforehand that this is a repetitive cycle where both people are getting their desired energy fix, will make it easier to remain de-attached to the blamers problem. Why? Because now you as the rescuer will be taking responsibility for your part in the game! The blamers gets satisfaction for not taking responsibility for their life along with the boost of power and control they feel they have over you when you do fix their problem. The rescuer gets satisfaction for being the hero and solving the problem.

If you are at the point now in your life of rolling your eyeballs in disgust because here comes another problem to be fixed, then you are well aware that it is time to change things! Where do you start? Yourself. You can use positive affirmations. Write them down on some index cards and carry them with you, put them beside your night stand, hang them above the kitchen sink, on the mirror in the bathroom and even stick them in your visor of your car! You can also change your thought pattern by replacing a negative thought with a positive one whenever they creep in. Once you become aware of your thoughts you will be amazed at how much negativity is hanging around up there having a pity party! Another method is going into a slight meditative state and re-programming your mind with positive beliefs and positive thoughts. Visualization is also very effective. You can visualize yourself with the desired outcome of resolving the issue at hand. Not fixing the person’s problem, but resolving the issue between yourself and the blamer. Hard feelings, how you will handle it, how you see them re-acting to you, etc.

Throughout our history, there have been many great, wise people from all walks of life that carry the same basic understanding: what we believe we will somehow create. This is so much more powerful and truthful than once thought! We truly are the creators of our life! The continual thoughts flowing through our minds is the projection of our soon to be reality! Regardless if the thoughts are positive or negative, what you think, you will create! James Allen once said, “The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs.” Maitri Upanishad says that everything that happens in our own world is a reflection of how we think. “One’s own thought is one’s world. What a person thinks is what he becomes.” We are powerful beings, waking up to the true potential of who we really are. Be aware of what thoughts you allow to stay in mind. Your future is being created by you and only you!

I remember reading a study a while ago. In this particular experiment, they had ten ‘average’ people dress the same and line up in front of a panel of convicted robbers. Five of these ‘average’ people had low self-esteem, had fears of being attacked by someone and no self-confidence. The other five ‘average’ people had high self-esteem, didn’t carry any thoughts of being attacked and were very confident. The panel of criminals knew none of this information. They were asked to pick three people they would choose to be their next victim by appearance only. Each criminal picked three out of the five low self-esteem category! Why am I telling you this? Your thoughts are energy. What you think is sent out. For these particular people, their thoughts are projecting I am a victim. The criminal picks up the signal and targets that person. Even though these thoughts were fearful and not something they wanted to happen, it happened because they were thinking it. They created it. Powerful! This is what I would classify as a fatal attraction! These attractions occur daily through this hidden language of energy/thought. Granted it goes both ways, negative creation and positive creation. We interact through our energetic body, the invisible field surrounding our physical body. Our thoughts make up a part of this energetic body.

If you have the desire to change your life, regardless of what condition you want to change, change your thoughts and your belief system. Thoughts and beliefs that we have about ourselves and the world alter our perception, our hope, our energy, our health, our mood, our actions, our relationships, our entire life! Thoughts are extremely powerful and creative. The example above was a negative one, now imagine how powerful you can be if you change your thoughts to positive ones. Attracting wealth, great health, vitality, love, positive relationships, the list is endless! It is yours to create as you are the creator, so start creating joy and the perfect life you have always wanted today!

What kind of thoughts are you allowing to create your life?

If you have any questions regarding this article or need some help via coaching/counseling please feel free to email me at

Intellectual property's tentacles are long and strong. Maybe the largest battlefield in IP is the music industry. Composer, producers, interpreters and license owners might get unexpectedly involved in legal battles regarding the misuse or abuse of a song of their property. Sometimes it is just something as little as a sample of the song but are legal frictions can deal with millions and millions of dollars.

music, intelectual, property, cases, lawyer

Article Body:
Intellectual property's tentacles are long and strong. Maybe the largest battlefield in IP is the music industry. Composer, producers, interpreters and license owners might get unexpectedly involved in legal battles regarding the misuse or abuse of a song of their property. Sometimes it is just something as little as a sample of the song but are legal frictions can deal with millions and millions of dollars.

Time is not an issue to underestimate when dealing with Intellectual Property. If by any chance, you use a song that was written forty years ago, and one of its owners is still alive, he/she can claim unfair use and suddenly, legal lawsuits can flood your desk. When working with someone else's work, you should be extremely careful, no matter if you already got permission to use it.

In 1997, the British band The Verve sampled an orchestration in one of their songs, "Bittersweet Symphony", from the Rolling Stones' "The Last Time". Prior the release of the album, the group did the proper negotiations concerning the license agreement with the Rolling Stones to utilize the sample. When the album came out, the song was a complete hit and reached number 23 on the Billboard Charts. After the sudden success of the song, the Rolling Stones argued that The Verve violated their license agreement because they use too much of the sample in their song. The Rolling Stones ended up collecting 100% of the loyalties of the song. Members of The Verve argued that the Stones got greedy when they noticed the sudden success of "Bittersweet Symphony".

As a result, the Rolling Stones sold the rights over the "Bittersweet Symphony" and it became part of many commercials and publicities. Allen Klein, Rolling Stones' manager licensed the song to Nike and to Vauxhall automobiles. Both brands utilize the melody for multi-million dollar television campaigns. Even worse, when the song was nominated for a Grammy, The Verve was not named as a nominee, but Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were. This is just a little example of moral rights dealing with intellectual property. The song hit top of the charts and not one members of The Verve enjoyed a cent of its success.

If these types of situations happen with amazing groups, who supposedly are not interested in more money, anything can happen to regular people who may get exposed to these inconveniences. Get acquainted with the respective regulations and laws so that no economical issues may come up in case you are planning to use someone else's inspiration!

Chances are, no matter what your current income, relationship, or job situation is, you wouldn’t mind being more successful. This article will provide you the foundation to get started.

health,wealth,free,ebook,how to be successful,success,make money,get rich,create wealth,best opportunity,best home based business,best home based business opportunity,create unlimited wealth,wellness

Article Body:
If you desire to become better, or successful at something, this article will provide you the foundation to get started. Chances are, no matter what your current income, relationship, or job situation is, you wouldn’t mind being more successful. Of course, the term success is unique to you. You must first define success and then determine what you want to be successful at.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing. -Abraham Lincoln

The first step to becoming successful is to emulate the ones who’ve already done it. You know the saying: don’t recreate the wheel…

#1 Get a Mentor All successful people have credited at least one influential person or mentor in their life. Mentors not only provide support but also challenge your thoughts and actions. Not to prove who’s right or wrong, but to open your horizons, offer other options, challenge pre-conceived ideas, and truly help you discover who you are. A mentor will never accept the phrase: “I don’t know, it’s just always been that way!” because a mentor believes you control your future.

#2 Be Healthy Live… Breathe… Think… Eat: Health. We all know healthy living (exercise) and eating is important. However, for the road to true success, it’s not enough. It’s imperative your mind – yes, every thought – supports your decision to be successful.

Be aware of negative self-talk or thoughts. They will put a stop to your success faster than anyone or anything else. Which means you may have to re-program your thoughts. To do this, continuously reaffirm the fact you are attaining your goal. Notice I didn’t say you will attain your goal. The key is to focus on your thoughts, not your actual actions. Why? Your mind does not know the difference between fact and make-believe. By repeatedly saying you’re successful, your mind will accept it as fact.

Once your entire being functions at 100%, nothing will stop you. Roadblocks become hurdles, hurdles become rocks in the road. Rocks become great stories along the way. All things will be possible.

#3 Put Blinders On Only focus on your goal. Henry Ford once said, “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” Keep your eyes on your goal and don’t look around.

Success (whatever that may mean to you) can be attained by anyone – especially you. With your eyes on the goal, a mentor to guide you, and a healthy attitude, you offer yourself no other possibility than to succeed.

If you're hosting a family thanksgiving, you want to create a fun family environment that helps children understand the importance of thankfulness and reminds the adults of this as well.

Since Thanksgiving comes just before what many refer to as the "greedy" season, activities designed to remind people of the bounty in their lives are useful. For example, you might help children understand that while they don't have everything they want, they do have everything they need.

How do you do this? Several ways. One is to help children create a cornucopia, which will sit on the Thanksgiving table. There are a variety of ways to do this. You can make a papier-mâché cornucopia using a balloon as the base to help you get the shape started. You can simply take large piece of poster board and shape them into a cone and fill those with whatever you like. As an extra activity, you can have the children decorate the cornucopia before it gets filled.

Since the idea of the cornucopia is to celebrate a bounty and appreciate that bounty, you can fill it as is traditionally done with squash, corn and the like. You might also ask each member of the family to bring something that represents their personal bounty in life. A new mom might bring a baby blanket to put in the cornucopia while a newly retired grandpa might add a picture of his family, since that's what's most important to him. You can discuss the items in the cornucopia basket at the dinner table while enjoying your Thanksgiving feast.

Another family activity that kids like is the thankfulness jar. When each person arrives at dinner, they place a note with something they are thankful for in the jar. Ideally, each person will add more than one item to the jar. At dinner, someone (ideally, the matriarch of patriarch of the family) reads the notes. Everyone tries to figure out who wrote which note. The items can range from the serious (someone who struggled with an illness in the previous year might be thankful for life, quite simply) to the silly (the new mom might be thankful there's a Starbucks within 5 minutes of her home). Kids enjoy adding their own touches to the thankfulness jar and their responses are often a surprise to the adult family members.

Some families have several tables set about at Thanksgiving. Many people buy professional floral arrangements to decorate the tables. You can make a game out of it to figure out who's going to get to bring home the table arrangement to their home. You can do the old wedding thing and simply put a number on the bottom of the centerpiece and have someone's chair match that number or you can make a game and perhaps create a trivia game out of Thanksgiving facts. For example, questions might look like this:
*How many turkeys are cooked on Thanksgiving throughout the US?
*Why are turkeys called turkeys?
*Which president set aside the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving?

Be sure you research and know the answers and then quiz everyone. This is a great way to pass the time while everyone is waiting for the feast to be ready. Just tell the winners they can't take the centerpieces until dinner is over!
You can have a similar game before dessert. Create a family trivia game and quiz family members before dessert. Only the people who get the answers right get to have their dessert. Everyone else has to keep trying until they get their trivia question right. Questions can range from the silly to the sublime. They might look something like this:
*Who got popcorn stuck in her braces at 12?
*Which man here wore boots with big holes in them until he was 20 and could buy his own?
*Whose grandparents immigrated to the US from Ireland?
*Which boy here got suspended from school for riding his bike into the classroom?

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